LeBron James made (yet another) jump shot with 38.6 seconds left to put the Cavaliers up 91-86. The Hawks called timeout. Mike Woodson sent Tyronn Lue, Joe Johnson, Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, and Al Horford out on the court. The Hawks passed the ball around the three-point line until Josh Smith got Drew Gooden (bless him) to bite on a jump fake before stepping aside to take an uncontested three-pointer. Smith missed, natch.
The Hawks converted on their next three possessions, getting within two points before James made two free throws to ice the game with 2+ seconds remaining but the team's (and I mean players and coaches) inability to create anything like a useful possession with 38.6 seconds left rendered Smith's subsequent layup and Joe Johnson's two three-pointers worthless barring a Cleveland disaster at the free throw line.
Josh Smith shooting a three-pointer in a desperation situation is of little value. Josh Smith shooting a three-pointer ten seconds into a key possession is inexcusable. Someone must help him figure out what he can and cannot do to help the team win games. Someone must take the ball away from him if he might attempt a jump shot in a key situation. Failing that, someone must keep Smith on the bench where he can't damage the team's chances of winning.
Smith is a career 26.7% shooter from behind the three-point line. Still he averages one-and-a-half three-point attempts per game. His feet should never be set behind the arc. Get him the ball in the high post and the low post. Get him the ball there a lot. Do not tempt him with the opportunity to take jump shots, the opportunity to make his rebounding, passing, and shot blocking come at a cost.

I am genuinely impressed you were able to narrow down your frustrations to one possession.
Microcosm or laziness?
YOU make the call.
Does it make you sick to watch Brandon Roy? Knowing everytime he leads his time to another victory I have to watch the LANDLORD mope on the bench? Im a hawks fan. I loved the D in December. But I do believe its time to blow it up. GM, Coach and team. Build around Law and Horford. I like Childress. You got to keep Marvin and Joe. ZAZA gone! Sheldon GONE. I know Josh Smith is a stat filler. But he also has a horrible attitude. What do you think? Keep him? IM NOT A GM JUST A FAN
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